Correcting your dog in case of undesirable behavior

It is important that you think carefully about what you do with your dog. Your behavior and attitude give a big impact about how the dog is going to behave. Rewarding good behavior is the basis of the puppy's upbringing. Correcting bad behavior is also very important. Don't train your dog too long in a row. It is best to explain something to him a few times a day for a few minutes instead of half an hour at once. Make sure your dog likes to keep learning things; continue to improve him in bad behavior, but still reward him for good behavior. Always end with an exercise that the dog can already do so that you can always give him a reward.

Important rules in preventing bad behavior:

  1. Make sure the dog doesn't do things you shouldn't and that you didn't say.
  2. Always reward the dog at the beginning, later you can do this occasionally. Rewarding doesn't always have to be through a cookie, but you can also play with him or pet him.
  3. Correct the dog as soon as he shows bad behavior. You can do this by raising your voice or putting it in his bench.
  4. Give an assignment only once in a normal tone, then raise your voice only for punishment.
  5. Ignore your dog when he asks for attention. If you give the dog attention as soon as he asks for this, the dog thinks he's the boss. He then goes to see what else he can do and develops bad behavior as a result.

Correcting bad behavior in my dog

Learning bad behavior is a lot faster if you teach this at the same time as good behavior, so it is also rewarding for the dog. Suppose you want to teach your dog to jump on someone; then you can stop the jumping by shouting "foei", then instructing you to sit. This is a positive way to learn bad behavior.