Excessive sex drive in dogs

As soon as the  male suffers from excessive sex drive, it can cause lot of problems and embarrassing situations. Males who show hyper-sexual behavior are almost always restless, irritable, 'mark'  many places, walk away and'drive'  on almost everything they encounter. Somedogs stop eating as soon as a bitch is present.

Also, the arousal often causes a persistent foreskin inflammation with an associated purulent excretion. In an older male, too much testosterone is responsible for the swelling of the prostate. This can be recognized by droplet blood loss from the penis, too much pressing at the stool and problems with urination.

How can I prevent or limit sex drive in my male?

In most cases, castration is enough to limit the sex drive of the male. If this isn't an option for you, try to avoid exciting situations for him. You can also give the male a homeopathic remedy for excessive sex drive. This agent contains several substances that reduce hypersexuality and prostate bleeding. Make sure the dog gets enough exercise and/or go to a behavioral course.