Bladder stones in dogs

What are bladder stones in a dog?

Bladder grit are small crystals that, under certain conditions, can form in the urine of adog. When the crystals are bigger, we call these bladder stones. These  can be caused by a bacterial  infectie,feed, ras,  age  or  acidity  of the urine. There are several types of bladder grit, namely  Struvite,  Calcium oxalate,  Cystine and  Ammoniumurate. The stonescan block the urethra,  leaving urine and waste in the bladder. This can lead to various health problems, therefore it is important to remove the bladder stones as soon as possible. It is also important to determine and prevent a possible cause, in order to avoid the formation of new bladder stones.


What is struvite

Struviet is the most common form of  bladder grit. It is a crystal consisting of magnesium, ammonium and phosphate. Struvite often already occurs in a dog's urine- but it is only when it is present in largequantities in the urinethat it becomes  harmful. If there  aretoo many struvite crystals, they  will form into stones. Struvitestones  usually developdueto a bladder infection. This manifests itself in a high pH value, which makes it easier for struvite crystals  to form into  struvite stones.


How do you treat struvite stones  in dogs?

It is important that dogs that have struvite stones  drink enough water. As a result, there is more flushing and  struvite crystals have little to no chance of forming into stones; in addition, the urine is less concentrated when a dog drinks enough water. Struvite stones  can be solved with a special diet. This diet has a higher salinity in combination with a lower content of magnesium, protein and phosphate. This diet also reduces the chance of  struvite stones  re-forming. Because the salt content in the diet is high, you can't   give it to a dog with kidney problems and heart disease; 85% of the dogs that get struvitestones  are bitches. These bitches are  often  between 2 and 9 years old. Also, certain dog breeds have an increased risk of struvitestones  namely: Beagle, Basset Hound, Dwarf Poodle, Bichon à Poil Frisé, Bulldog, Welsh Corgi, Dalmatian Dog, Miniature Schnauzer, English Cocker Spaniel, Pekingese, and the Dachshund.

What is calcium oxalate in dogs?

Calcium oxalate is a  form of bladder gritthat is also common in dogs. It is most common in males between 5 and 12 years old.  The exact cause for the formation of calcium oxalate stones is not entirely clear. However, it is known that the stones can form when an increased amount of calcium is present in the blood and urine is concentrated. In addition, there is a hereditary factor that plays a role in the development of calcium oxalate stones. Normally, a dog's urine contains the substance  Nephrocalcin; a substance that counteracts the formation of calcium oxalate stones.  In many dogs that suffer from calcium oxalate stones,  this substance is missing in the urine, which allows the bladder stones to form.


How do you treat calcium oxalatestones?

Calcium oxalate stones cannot  be dissolved by giving special dietary foods, but only  surgically. The chance of the stones returning after surgery within  three years is 50%. However, special nutrition can reduce the chance of return. This diet contains little magnesium, calcium and oxalic acid.

As with struvite stones,  it isimportant that your dog drinks enough water . It is also recommended to buy canned food for your dog or to soak the chunks in water before giving them to yourdog. This automatically gives a dog more moisture


What are cystinestones in dogs?

Cystinestones  are the result of a genetic abnormality in which a dog's kidneys  do not absorb cystine.  Cystine is an amino acid that entersthe kidneys and then into the bladder through the blood; the kidneys thenresorb the  cystine,  leaving little excretion through the urine. Dogs with  cystinestones have a problem with their transport system that prevents  cystine  from being absorbed by the kidneys and ends up in the urine. As a result, crystals and stones form in the urinary tract. This form of bladder grit is most common in males between 1 and 7 years of age. There are a number of breeds that are more likely to have cystinestones  namely:  Dachshund, English Bulldog, Chihuahua, Basset hound, Irish terrier, Yorkshire Terrier and the Newfoundlander.


As with calcium oxalate stones, cystinestones must be surgically removed. It is possible to prevent the formation of new cystine stones by giving your dog a special diet food.


What is ammoniumrate in dogs?

This form of bladder grit is rare. Dogs can then not break down the uric acid, causing the acid to enter the bladder. Ammoniumrate is common in Dalmatian dogs, it is also more common in the English Bulldog,the  Dwegschnauzer,the  Shih  Tzu and the  Yorkshier  Terrier. Ammoniumurate stones  must be surgically removed. To prevent the stones from re-forming, it is necessary to give a special feeding.