How do I make my dog pot trained?


Waste products are removed from the dog's body when they urinate or defecate. In addition, the urine and feces contain pheromones that provide information about the sender, the position of the dog in the ranking, the hormonal status etc. Pheromones are highly active natural compounds secreted in animals and humans to attract species of the opposite genus.

When puppies are 8 weeks old, they will urinate every hour during the day, defecating about 4 times a day. At night, they need to urinate about 1 to 2 times. Once a puppy is 7 months old, they urinate on average 3 to 4 times and defecate about 2 times a day.

Problems with potting

The potting of the puppy has to do with how you raise him. Often owners punish their puppies too much and/or at the wrong time. In addition, the lack of knowledge of the learning principles plays an important role in the dog. Also, a ranking problem can lead to nonsensicality. Sometimes being nonsensic about a puppy has a medical cause such as diarrhea, incontinence, a bladder infection or a bladder located within the pelvis. Being nonsensic due to a parenting problem may have started with the breeder. He or she may have taught the puppy to do his need on a newspaper. If you as the owner continue with this, your dog can only want to do his need on newspapers, even though he is already older. Both the breeder and the owner have stimulated and actually learned this behavior of the puppy.


If dogs urinate in the house against, for example, a chair or table leg (this is called marking)  this is due to the hormones. Learning processes also play a role in this. Marking is most common in males that are not neutered. In 67% of males, marking stops after castration.

Submissiveness peeing

Urination is normal behavior that puppies exhibit when an older dog sniffs the puppy or when a human comes to the puppy. The dog takes a lower position aan,  but wants to keep in touch with dogs and humans.

Anxiety puddles

This hardly ever happens. You can see it in sensitive dogs that, in addition to urinating, also show other anxiety symptoms such as: taking a very low position, tightening and stress signals. Dogs that urinate out of fear also do not seek contact with humans.

Arousal lakes

Urination due to arousal occurs regularly in puppies that have a full bladder and then get aroused, they do not have sufficient control over their sphincter muscles. This behavior usually disappears when a puppy is 8 to 10 months old.

Nonsensicalness by not being able to be alone

Some dogs also do their needs once they are home alone. This does not include the dogs that have not been walked all day, because they are forced to urinate in the house, as it were. Dogs that suffer from separation anxiety sometimes also do their needs as soon as a certain person leaves the house.

Nonsensicality due to old age

Sometimes when an older dog suffers from dementia it can become nonsensal. If medical causes don't count, walking more often in combination with specific supplements or medications can help against nonsensicality.

Tips for potting your puppy

  • Don't punish your puppy too much but reward him if he does something right
  • Create a fixed place where your puppy should defecate or urinate, so he knows what to do
  • Go outside regularly
  • Do not let him do his needs on a newspaper, often the breeder has learned this but it can ensure that the dog continues to do so.
  • Be patient, one dog needs more time to learn like the others