Taking care of the dog's nose


My dog has a dry nose

Healthy dogs usually have moist, cool and smooth noses. A dry nose does not immediately mean that the dog is unhealthy. The nasal mirror is a thick layer of skin with glands that ensures that the nose remains moist. The excess tear fluid, which is drained through the tear duct, also keeps the nose moist. In some cases, the nose, like the skin, can be drier than normal. This can be due to the heating or a day in the bright sun. There's nothing to worry about right now. If there are gaps or scabs near the nose because the nasal mirror is too dry, then something is probably wrong. A dry nose can be a symptom of a disease, skin condition or reduced production or removal of tears. So if your dog suffers from a dry nose for a longer period of time, it is recommended to visit the veterinarian.

Treatment of dry nose of your dog

With a moisturiser and protected skincare product, you can keep a dry nose with scabs or crevices supple. Because the sense of smell of dogs is much better than that of humans, it is a lot more pleasant for the dog if you choose a product without an overly strong smell. Make sure it moves in quickly and that it is safe if the dog swallows it. Suitable products include Vaseline, udder ointment and marigold/almond oil.

My dog has a wound on his nose

Dogs prefer to put their nose in everything, so he quickly gets a wound or cut in his nose. If the wound is large or deep, it is recommended to go to the vet as soon as possible so that it can be stitched up. Superficial wounds regularly heal quite quickly. To support healing, you can keep the wound clean twice a day with a disinfectant product. There are also many products that have a disinfecting and caring effect, such as honey ointment, udder ointment and acederm. Vaseline can also soften the skin, but does not help with disinfection. Sprays should not be used as this may end up in the nose.

Cleaning your dog's nose

If your dog's nose is dirty, you can use cleansing wipes for the skin to get it clean again easily. If excessive runny nose causes pus or blood to come out of the nostrils or inflammation in the nasal level, it is recommended to go to the veterinarian.  An abundant or abnormal nasal discharge can be caused by something that has entered the nose (for example, grass), fungal or bacterial infection, a tumor in the nasal cavity, dental problems, colds or allergy.

My dog's nose is burned

Dogs that have a white coat and/or little pigmentation are very sensitive to burning, especially in the thinly haired areas such as the nose back and ear dots. A dark nose back can still burn and molt in the sun. Burning by the sun is a painful condition, which can also possibly result in skin cancer. Therefore, make sure that your dog is not in the sun for too long. If your dog is very sensitive to the sun, it is recommended to protect it well with sunscreen. There are special sunscreens and sprays for animals.