Why is my dog coughing?

A dog starts coughing because there is a stimulus stuck in the respiratory tract. These stimuli can occur in the larynx, in the trachea or in the bronchi of the lungs. If the dog is still sick in addition to coughing, has a fever, coughs violently or the symptoms persist for too long, take the dog to the vet.                                                                                                                     

Each place and cause gives a different characteristic cough. Make sure that when you go to the vet you describe your dog's cough as best you can or make a video of it so that the doctor can give you the correct diagnosis. It can happen that exactly when you are at the vet your dog does not cough. There are a number of parts to look out for when the dog coughs, for example: does he cough up mucus or something else, coughs at specific moments and seems to be in pain while coughing. If the cough is painful, the dog stops its cough and the cough is often soft.

An important difference is a dry, loud cough  due to problems at the throat or trachea and a soft cough in case of problems with the lungs.

Dry and loud cough

  1. Irritation and inflammation

The most common cough is the kennel cough. The mucous membrane in the throat and larynx are inflamed, and the dog suffers from a dry, hard and spasmodic cough, resulting in him gagging. The dog touches hoarse and the throat is sensitive when touched. The dog needs a course of antibiotics if he has a fever. Make sure the dog gets rest and stays away from other dogs. Furthermore, avoid irritation due to dust, smoke or too tight a collar. Give a soothing children's or thyme cough syrup and an airway support product. You can prevent kennel cough with a vaccination. In addition, your dog may suffer from strep throat.

  1. Foreign object

When your dog eats a foreign object, reactions may occur from the body. For example, this can happen with an object in the house. Symptoms can range from sudden coughing to shortness of breath. Furthermore, you can hear noises while breathing and your dog can start gagging. If the object has been stuck for a long time, the place can become severely inflamed, causing the dog to become ill. Via an X-ray or a special camera, the veterinarian can see if something is stuck in the airways and then remove it.

  1. Folding the trachea

In breeds such as the Yorkshire  terrier, Chihuahua and Dwarf Poodle, there is a flattening of the trachea. This allows the trachea to slam shut during inhalation. These dogs suffer from a honking cough and quickly get stuffy during exercise or hot weather, or even fainting. Unfortunately, no treatment is possible, but giving a cough medicine can reduce irritation.    


Soft cough due to problems in the lungs

  1. Pneumonia or bronchitis

Your dog may suffer from pneumonia from bacteria, parasites, viruses and fungi or choke on food. In addition, bronchitis or asthma can be a cause of a soft cough.

  1. Lungworms

Dogs can contract infection  during contact with snails or frogs. Infection by contact with snails or frogs. Lungworm diagnosis is possible in several ways: stool examination, blood test, X-ray or lung flushing. Treatment and prevention by deworming. Read also: worms cat and worms dog

  1. Tumors

Dogs have a harder time breathing because of tumors.

  1. Heart problems

Vcan remain in the lungs due to  left heart failure. This causes coughing.  An enlarged heart can also push on the trachea.

Given the severity of the above causes, it is always recommended to visit the veterinarian when noticing a cough for proper diagnosis and treatment.