Dog food: what exactly is in it?


Today, there are an awful lot of different brands of dog food available. Therefore, for many people it can be difficult to determine which brand of food is best for their pet. All dog foods sold in Europe must meet several strict quality requirements (from FEDIAF: The European Pet Food Industry). This means that all dog foods that state on the packaging that they are complete foods contain all the nutrients your dog needs. Nevertheless, there are quite a few differences in quality within different brands of dog food. Therefore, the trick is not to be fooled by pretty pictures and catchy marketing copy, but to look at the composition of the products and learn how best to evaluate them. In this blog, we give you tips on how to look more critically at the composition of dog foods.



Complicated terms

That there are many tricky terms on packages of items probably does not surprise anyone. The same is true of dog food packaging. Yet there is a difference in this. Although the dog food of budget brands is also a complete food and meets all quality requirements, these foods often contain only the basic and minimum requirements of nutrients and ingredients. Pet food manufacturers try to make this a little prettier than it is in the formulations, so they use, you guessed it: tricky terms. They often use a closed declaration. This means that the ingredients are grouped together and not listed separately in the product's composition. No percentages or precise information about the ingredients are given. This makes it unclear and difficult for pet owners to figure out what they are actually giving their four-legged friends. Below we explain some of these terms:

Meat and animal by-products

This is a vague term that makes it difficult to know exactly what is in the feed. Animal by-products are indicated in EU legislation as ingredients not intended for human consumption. While there may be muscle or organ meat in the feed, this is not guaranteed to be the case. The meat can be any combination of offal, where it may even include feathers, claws or hooves, bones and beaks. In addition, it is not clear what protein source is used in the food. Especially for the owners of dogs with sensitive gastrointestinal systems or food allergies or intolerances, this lack of clarity can be very annoying. The manufacturer can use any possible combination of meat and animal by-products under the term "meat and animal by-products" and can change the recipe at any time.

Grains and vegetable byproducts

Many manufacturers incorporate grains into their dog foods as a carbohydrate source. Foods containing a high percentage of grain products in large quantities are not healthy for a pet. This is because dogs are unable to digest large amounts of grain products. This results in more stools because the body cannot absorb and digest all the nutrients from the grains. In addition, it is common that dog foods do not specify the type of grain used (for example, barley, wheat or oats). If your dog has a grain or gluten intolerance, it can be difficult to figure out whether the food is appropriate for your pet or not. Examples of plant by-products are wheat gluten or corn gluten.

Other ingredients better to avoid in dog food

In addition to by-products, there are other ingredients manufacturers add to dog food that you should avoid. One of these ingredients is sugar. Sugar that comes from a carbohydrate source (for example, a grain, potatoes or legumes) is not harmful to dogs, but when sugar is on the ingredient list, it means it has been added to the food. Added sugar does not belong in a healthy dog food. This is because sugar deprives the body of vitamins and minerals because nutrients are needed to process sugar. In addition, sugar causes blood sugar levels to rise. Finally, too many sugars can contribute to obesity, dental disease and, in the worst cases, even diabetes.

Another example is salt, also called sodium or chloride. The same goes for this: if you spot these terms in the ingredient list of your dog's food, you'd better look for another food for your four-legged friend. This is because salt can be added to products to improve taste. However, too much salt in a dog food can lead to an increased risk of health problems, such as higher blood pressure and heart disease. Also, too much salt is bad for a dog's kidneys.

Finally, it should ring a bell if you see the term "artificial fragrances, colors and/or flavors" in the ingredient list of your dog's food. Unfortunately, manufacturers may put chemicals in dog food to adjust the taste, smell and color of the kibble. These chemicals add no nutritional value, which means the dog can't do anything with them, making them unnecessary in dog food.


So what should good dog food contain?

When dogs are fed food that contains the above ingredients, they are at a greater risk of developing various health problems (for example, skin and coat problems, bad stools or digestive problems) over the long term. Feeding quality food supports a dog's immune system and thus can prevent diseases.

Therefore, when picking a suitable brand of food for your dog, it is important not to be fooled by catchy marketing copy, but to look at the ingredient list and review it properly. Avoid brands that use a closed declaration in the composition of their product and contain ingredients such as meat and (animal/plant) by-products, sugar, salt and chemical additives. Rather, choose a brand that is open about what ingredients they use in their feeds and then also lists all the ingredients separately in the composition of the product.

Good dog food contains all the nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and trace elements) in the right proportions that are tailored to your dog's total needs, according to the animal's life stage. In addition, good dog food lists the specific sources of protein. Also, good dog food is free of artificial fragrances, colors and flavors and does not contain added sugars and salts. Finally, good dog food does not contain large amounts of grain products or other fillers.

Extra tip: Did you know that all ingredients found in dog foods are arranged in the composition in descending order by weight? This means that the first ingredient in the list also has the largest proportion of the food.


Why choose Riverwood dog food?

Riverwood dog foods contain around 50 to 55% meat (it varies by variety) derived from three unique sources of protein. Meat is therefore the first ingredient in the formulation which, in part due to the high meat content, makes the dog foods highly digestible. The meat used in Riverwood dog foods comes from animals that have been allowed to roam freely. This has allowed them to live a dignified existence and develop better muscles, which in turn has a beneficial effect on the quality of the meat. In addition, Riverwood dog foods contain no grains or potatoes. Instead, yellow peas have been chosen. This is because yellow peas have a low glycemic index. These carbohydrates are broken down slowly by the dog's body, which is better for healthy and stable blood sugar levels. In addition to the high meat percentage as the main ingredient and yellow peas as the carbohydrate source, Riverwood dog foods are made complete with a selection of fresh fruits, vegetables and a rich blend of potent herbs.

Are you curious about the full composition (because Riverwood obviously uses an open declaration: you can read in detail what's in the products!)? Then check out the full range of Riverwood dog foods here.

To read is to know

So for any pet owner looking for a suitable food for his pet, we would like to give the following tip: turn over the dog food packaging and read the ingredient list on the back of the package carefully. Good dog food is free of animal and vegetable by-products and does not contain added sugars, salts and chemical additives. Good dog food also has an open declaration of ingredients list, which means that all nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and trace elements) are present in the correct proportions. The specific protein sources are also listed.

It is incredibly important that dogs receive high-quality nutrition. After all, animals get their energy from food. Good quality food also contributes to a dog's overall health: it ensures healthy skin and coat and proper digestion.

So do your own research when looking for a suitable food for your dog. As cliché as it sounds, it really is true: reading is knowing! After reading this blog, do you still have questions or doubts about the quality of a dog food? Then don't hesitate to contact us. We are ready to answer your questions!


Many dogs already enjoy Riverwood every day. Would you also like your dog to feast on our delicious foods and are you curious which variety would suit your dog best? Then answer a few questions here and order an inexpensive sample pack right away.